Thursday, December 29, 2011

End of Year

I am going through some old electronic files and came across some photos......what is it that makes it so enjoyable to reminisce? Even when it bring up sad memories, I still love to look back. Have a look.
This  is Nate, in the fall of 2009 after coming back from the pumpkin patch with our harvest!
This is a camping trip to Hocking Hills in Spring of 2007. Dustin and Manette went with us, but Manette had horrible morning sickness, she was green the entire time:-(
But we still had fun!
Manette and I took Mackenzie to Chicago for her 9th birthday. This was taken on the train that we rode on every day.
Mackenzie at Liz's wedding in June of 2004?
The big day! She was beautiful but it was HOT!
This is Mackenzie summer 2011 at Lake Erie with the Chases. Isn't she beautiful!

Here are the best buddies! Nate and Brendan have been friends for a while....but it never seems to get old! They really love playing together.

These pics were from this past summer at Lake Erie with the Chases.
This goes quite a bit further back to Spring of 2008.
Nathaniel Owen was born at 2:54 on March 7, 2008. During the worst snow storm of the year!
Gran Margie and Alexa were on hand to be some of the first greeters of the new family member. Alexa cut the cord!

Manette was very upset that she could not drag her own baby into the snow to come and see us! Dustin was working and already nearby, so he came instead!

We did not realize until he was 2 days old, that his clavicle was broken :-(
 Southern Cousins visit....Jonathan and Madelyn Talley
 First introduction of the soon to be best buddies :-)

Guess I really should have just reviewed the past year, but I am not organized enough to do that.

New Year and its resolutions is fast approaching. I think this year I may even break tradition and make a few of my own. Each year is streaming past with more speed than I ever could have imagined. Mackenzie is a high school student! I have been married for 16 years! I am 2 years away from being 40 :-(
This holiday season has been wonderful. We are so blessed. I hope that 2012 brings more happiness, peace and rest than any year before it....I wish safety for our soldiers, at home and overseas, and that above all, I can remember who to be thankful to and why.
Happy New Year!

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