Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Can't believe its almost Christmas! This year has just flown by so quickly....the older I get the faster time sand in a bottle!
Well, since the last post, the weather has turned a bit dreary, lots of rain and cold.

I have been to Indianapolis to visit my new niece, Princess Ella. She is a precious little sweet smelling bundle of love! Of course, I could not visit her without also paying homage to the original Princess Chloe and Trenton the "Bat". It was a very busy day...lots of fun. I really need to read my camera manual because I still don't know what I am doing half of the time! But I did get a few cute pics.

We have recently finished a series of study at church about growing "strong". During one of the study discussions, we were asked what we thought our "gifts" were and how we could use them to be of service in a daily manner. At first I felt a little smug....I thought..I'm good, people like me, I go out of my way all the time to help people. Showing strangers across the hospital, stopping to help pts who appear lost, picking up trash on the floor. Then my husband gently pointed out that he did not believe that my compassionate giving heart was one of my best gifts! I could not believe it! Clearly this is what I excel at! He named 2 of my co-workers that I consistently butt heads with and said, "would you go out of your way for either of these two people without being asked on a daily basis? You are only kind, generous, and compassionate to people that you want to help...not just anyone! I was hurt! How could he say that? Then I realized that it was true, I was not known for my big heart that could tolerate any insult, forgive any sin, always be counted on to help, no matter who was on the receiving end....
But that is who I want to be! I want to be known and remembered for my ability to see all people the same. To hold no grudge, to never pass along a bit of juicy gossip that is hurtful, to always be willing to go far out of my way to help! ANYONE! Friend or foe.....actually to have no foe!
You see, I learned that there is a difference between being a servant and doing service. I servant would treat everyone the same, they have to. Doing service implies that its voluntary. I want to resolve that this change will come from deep within and my family will be the first to witness it.

Ben and Kenzie took cards off the Angel tree at church and will spend $20 of their own money to buy a gift, so tomorrow we are going shopping! Also buying some used clothes for a family in Busco that we "adopted". Can't wait, should be fun!

found this old pic from 2005, Children's museum in INDY. Does anyone else remember how hilarious this was? LOL

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